In Acupuncture, very small – almost hair-thin – needles are inserted in the skin at specific points that help activate the body’s qi, promoting movement of energy and supporting a natural healing process.
Here are 10 reasons you should consider giving acupuncture a try this year:
1) It can help reduce pain
2) It can help reduce stress and anxiety
3) It can help reduce exercise soreness and prevent injuries
4) It can help reduce inflammation in the body
5) It can help promote more restful sleep
6) It can help with a wide range of digestive issues
7) It can help with women’s health issues
8) It can help manage and reduce headaches
9) It can help reduce symptoms of allergies
10) It can help lower blood pressure
The Acupuncture Evidence Project cites research that shows acupuncture can potentially treat symptoms of over 100 health issues. The World Health Organization also lists a number of conditions that acupuncture can treat that is supported by research.
In addition to traditional acupuncture, auricular acupuncture, scalp acupuncture, and electric acupuncture may also be used in the treatment.